Isnin, 8 Ogos 2011

tolerate girl

P 1
  • In the village had one girl live in a poor family. her mother was passed away.
  • she live with father .her father is ruber incise.
  • In school ,she is a genius girl and always got no.1 in the class .
P 2
  • she often help her friends taht do not understand.
  • but her friend is understanding about she live.

P 3
  • ever evrning she always help her father trade vegetable for livelinood.
P 4
  • she always study day and night no time to play and not much time to sleep nor time to eat.
  • she has the determination the change her lifestalye.for her, its time to turn her would around.
paragraph 1
    In the village had one girl lives a poor girl.She only lives with her father because her mother had passed away.Her father work as a rubber incise.

2 ulasan:

  1. Salam Myera... good attempt with this outline...but pls check your spelling such as ruber for rubber, ever evrning for every evening...Double check your work.. Myera dear.. pls use our class blog so that we can discuss with your group members. Hmm... where's your essay???
